Skyler and the run of her life (so far)

What an exciting weekend!!! And SO MUCH FUN! It started on Friday morning at 9o’clock when we drove to Jackson hole. It was storming and we barely made it over the pass. The scariest driving I have ever done. We were the last car to get over the pass before they closed it. All of Skyler‘s teammates who had left more than an hour after us ended up having to go 11 hours around the past in order to reach the competition. Meanwhile, Skyler and I shared nachos at Hatch, got massages, shopped around town, had pizza takeout for dinner and went to bed early in anticipation of her big race. I think we both needed some girl time together – it was perfect. At one point, as Skyler was staring at her phone, she says…”mom…I love you.” I’m not even sure if she knew she said it as she didn’t look up and little did she know, my heart swelled. Over dinner, I asked her what made her happy? “Victory” she responded. Oh boy!

Up the next morning at 6:45 and to Snow King for her race. She was determined. She has been laser focused for the last few weeks of training and was feeling confident. We took some big breaths before she went up the loft. Inhale calm…exhale speed. I watched her come down her first run – the best I’ve ever seen her race. She came through the finish and she wanted to check her standing. I told her I didn’t care what place she was…that she skied her heart out and it showed. And then we did check her standing and she was first of the Sun Valley girls and just tenths of seconds from the podium. Her next race was solid and she ended up getting on the podium with a 5th place finish. She was (as were we) OVER THE MOON!

And then, unbelievably, The second race was even better. She landed top of the SVSEF girls, ahead of Ruby Hoelscher from Jackson who always medals and just .2 seconds from Taryn Moe (yes, her dad is Tommy Moe).

She was SO proud of herself and we ended up staying an extra night to celebrate! Congratulations SJ! You are a rock star!