Halloween Moon

I didn’t have my phone on me tonight when Skyler, Liam and I walked down to get the mail so we had to take “picture memories” of the moon and store those pictures deep inside our brains!  The moon was such a cool expression of how special those 30 minutes were. Both kids were so carefree as we walked down to the mailbox at 7pm in the dark to see if Liam’s new books had arrived. We looked at all the spooky decorations, Skyler held my hand and was “brave” and Liam charged ahead excited about his books. When we got down the first hill, we looked out over Juanita and saw what was honestly the most awesome moon I have ever seen. It was coming up over the horizon, was bright orange and as big as could be and was surrounded by spooky looking stray clouds. It reminded me of the moon in Charlie Brown’s Halloween. It looked like a painting. We all agreed that we live on the coolest place ever and that this world is filled with such wonderful things. Totally cheesy I know, but it was a very special moment.