Presley “coulours”

Each day that Presley comes home from Cuddlebugs, we go through this routine:

Presley tells me she wants to “coulour”.  She says it very clearly.
I tell her to get some paper and crayons.
She makes her way to the art drawer, pulls it out with all her strength, and gets paper and markers out.
I tell her she can’t use markers.
She slaps her hand on her leg and growls at me.
I take the markers and give her one pen and the rest colored pencils.
She reluctantly complies, lays down on the carpet and goes to it. 
She then holds up her beautifully constructed scribbles and says “look mommy.”
I am astonished and amazed and tell her she is so talented and such a wonderful artist. 
She asks for a snack.