Leif’s 40th Birthday Heaven (and the behind the scenes snapshot)

When I asked Leif what he wanted to do for his 40th, he said he wanted to surf. He didn’t want to go on a vacation. He wanted to go on an adventure – but with the luxuries of a vacation. We found the perfect spot thanks to Mike who had been there before. And so, with the gracious assistance of Ted and Stephanie, who watched over our precious babies for a whole week, we set flight (first class mind you), to Mazatlan. 40 miles north of the city is an 8 room “bungalow” that sits in front of a perfect break – steady, long, gentle, shoulder high. Our dear friends, the best kind that never say no to vacations, Monica and Jer joined us. The boys would wake up early and surf from sun up to 10:30 and then come in for breakfast. I even joined them most days around 8am and dos some surfing of my own!  Leif was in HEAVEN. It was everything and more that he had hoped for. He picked up surfing just where he left off 7 years ago and we enjoyed having uninterrupted time together – something that is almost non-existent during this season of our lives. My favorite part was sitting down and having an entire meal together.  Actually conversing from start to finish. Having conversations that lasted more than 23 seconds. It was amazing!!!  And Leif surfed his heart out! He was so happy it was contagious!

Back at home Ted and Stephanie experienced our every day existence which was an eye opener for all of us. I wrote down the schedule on paper before we left and took it to Leif and said “GOOD GOD!!!! How do we manage this!!!?!?  It’s absolutely insane!!!”  But Ted and Stephanie managed beautifully and I do appreciated the honesty with their struggles and successes!  Having a week away from the insanity was such a blessing for our marriage and we owe them so much gratitude for it!

The only problem is that Leif is now convinced that he needs this break annually!  Anyone ready to sign up for another week??  Lol.