We love our neighborhood!

If Leif and I were in the market for a place to live today, there is a good chance we would pick (a) a house closer to the 520 (considering my commute) and (b) one with a more modern style. But I just can’t imagine moving because our house is truly PERFECT for the Jensen Home. With the huge backyard that looks like we are running a daycare to the big deck;  Leif’s office downstairs, and the bedrooms on the top level, it just works perfect for us. And even more than that, it’s the neighborhood. Someone said there is 26 kids on top of Goat Hill and I don’t question it. It has a 1970’s neighborhood feel. Kids outside constantly. Friends just across the street. Moms and dads that look out for our kids as though they were their own. I really don’t know if Leif and I could both work full time if it were not for this neighborhood!  No scheduling “play dates”. It’s just always one big play date up here!