Brie makes partner!

I try to keep the blog to kid-specific events so me making partner is not really the essence of this post, however, it is worth mentioning as you will see…

I did make partner and was very much excited to be the “guest of honor” this year at our holiday Christmas party (not really, but I knew they would make a toast and mention it and I would have the opportunity to get up and say a few words).  So, when we woke up on Saturday morning – the day of the big event – and Leif was so sick to his stomach he could barely move, I did my best to hide my disappointment.  He really was awfully sick – horribly nauseated and running a high fever.  He was miserable.  But at least I had my mom.  Oh wait.  I text her about Leif and she wrote back “strange because I feel nauseated too.”  My heart sunk.  It can’t be related.  She must be in her head.  A few hours later, she started throwing up.  Poor mom and there goes my babysitter.

Still thinking my mom and Leif were unrelated incidents and believing that Leif had food poisoning, I started raking my mind for someone who could help.  In the end, I decided I would put down Presley, put the kids in front of a movie, race to Seattle, make an appearance, and fly home.  What could happen?  Worse case scenario, the kids would still be up when I got back.  We could do this and Liam was up for the task.

I juggled the three kids – more than juggled actually – we got our Christmas tree and decorated the whole house!  Then I got ready to go – hair, dress, accessories, high heels…check.   Baby down…check.  Kids in front of a show…check. And then Skyler said the words that made my stomach drop.  Just as I grabbed my bag to get in the car, she says “Mommy….I don’t feel so good.”

Long story short from there: I cleaned up puke for 48 hours (the first two hours, I was still in my dress).  EVERYONE in the family got it except for me (although I felt horribly nauseated the whole time – something to do with watching so many people be ill).  Leif and my mom had the worst of it.  The kids recuperated quickly.  In the end, we all spent a lot of time snuggling together at home in front of the tree we had decorated just days earlier.

And I did get to see the toast, albeit, via text.