Chani’s Wedding

We flew down on Thursday night – first time on a plane with all three kids.  They did awesome.  I absolutely LOVE traveling with our family…feels like a crazy adventure every time and I never know who is going to throw up on who (though given the history, chances are dad will be the receiver!).  This time everyone was healthy, at least for the flight.  Skyler ran a slight fever while we were there (Liam and Presley had been sick leading in to the trip) but she was a trooper and did not let it slow her down much.  We stayed at some friends of Alan and Anita’s which was great in terms of having our own space (for free nonetheless).  We got into a routine of going to breakfast in the morning, then home for Presley’s nap (as the kids played down at the water hole) and then over to Alan and Anita’s to help as much as we could with three kids in tow!  The wedding celebration was SO BEAUTIFUL – in the back yard of a neighbor’s that had done an absolutely amazing job.  Plus, it was so cool to see so much of my family in one place…felt a bit like a family reunion.  Chani and Brendan looked full of joy and hope and I am so glad we were able to make the trip down to be part of the celebration.  Plus, little Presley got to meet her cousin Naya who is just a month and a half younger.