July 4th – Herron Island Fun

Once again, I think the pictures tell the story the best but we had a great Herron Island 4th of July complete with boat rides, Seahawks parades, fun runs (the kids both took first in their age group and I might have pushed Skyler to near tears), and quality family time with Keith and Mary Ellen and Sean, Yuko, Aunt Chris and Grant.  It was a bit crowded in the house so Leif and I and the kids started out in tents on the deck.  We have everyone on social media fooled with the tent picture about – they think we are AMAZING that we could camp with all three but the truth of the matter is that Presley slept inside in Grandma’s room and Skyler got up in the middle of the night, unzipped the tent, and said “I’m freezing…I’m going to get in bed with grandma!”  LOL.  Liam suck it out for the night though and we captured the picture in the morning.  So much fun.