Sweet brother

If I haven’t mentioned it before, I will now: Liam is totally enamoured with his baby sister. He is quick to meet her every need (hence, in my opinion, why she is not yet crawling!), carries her around like a doll, plays with her, snuggles her, kisses her, comforts her, makes her laugh and just generally loves her to death.

So tonight, when Skyler asked Liam, “Liam, do you love Presley more than you love me?”, my heart stopped. I quickly told him that there was a right answer to that question and he, ever so sweetly answered her, “no Skyler. I love you both the same way.”
(He may have earned extra video game time for that). Given how dang competitive they can be with each other, it would have been such an easy opportunity for him to make a stab. But he knew that one would really hurt and he answered her honestly instead. I love him so much.