Presley Kindergarten

The kids started school last week and I can now say, after 10 days, we are settled.  Liam settled day one – he absolutely loves his new school and his new friends.  When asked about missing Kirkland, he said yesterday, “I’m kinda over it.”  LOL.  Did not take him long!  He has connected with some great kids and he really (REALLY) likes his new teacher, Dana.  As Leif waited in line to pick him up on Day 3, Liam went running by soaking wet head to toe because they had decided to go jump in the river…just because Dana needed to get outside.  He even has a class called “5th Grade Work Habits & Social/Emotional Development.”  I mean, really?

Skyler too has adjusted and is loving her school.  She connected with three girls on the first day and they have been inseparable since.  And in talking with the parents, teachers, etc., it sounds like she has picked the best of the bunch!  Of course.  I am so thrilled for her because that is the only part of this move I worried about with her.  I really wanted her to find some good girl friends and she has.  She even had a play date today after school with all of them.  She LOVES all of the “specials” – art, technology, PE, science and is really excited about (almost) all of her teachers.  She even said her PE teacher was as nice as Mr. Sandbo, which is really saying something.

Presley has, unexpectedly, been the challenging one.  After countless conversations over the last 6 months, we were feeling so good about putting her into Kindergarten.  She had developed so much these last few months and just seemed like she was in a great space.  However, I think we pushed her a little too far by putting her into the big public school.  With all the changes in her life of late, I suppose we should not be surprised.  She really struggled that first week – very scared and overwhelmed and confused.  It was not getting any better and our hearts were breaking each time she expressed her anxieties.  She was crying at recess – very scared of all the kids and always wanting to know where her teacher was.  Skyler was trying hard to comfort her at recess but that was taking Skyler away from playing with and making new friends.  By Friday, I was done.  And although I am sure she would have learned to “cope” if we had kept her there a few more weeks, it seemed wrong to make a 5 year old figure out how to handle such big emotions.  She just turned 5 and though she is socially and academically more than ready, she is still figuring out her emotional side – and it’s a big emotional side this one has – trust me!  We wanted to keep her in K, because we really do think she is ready for it, but we put her at the Community School where there are 9 5 year olds and 2 teachers.  Her first day was still scary for her and she cried when I was leaving but she was swooped into the arms of her teacher and told that she would be held until she felt safe.  I felt so much better about leaving her in that environment.

Flash forward to today, three days after making the switch, and she had a perfect drop off!  I am so thrilled.