
Such a fun-filled Christmas this year and yet, for me, one of the most calm and relaxed ones too!  It was the perfect combination. We had the mandatory work parties and the crossfit party and santa pictures and snowflake lane all before the 20th of the month. Then from the 21st through Christmas, it was ON!  Mike’s Seahawks/holiday party at his amazing condo with the most incredible view of the lake (he literally lives ON Lake Washington) was on Sunday. Monday was my mom’s holiday “drop by for a drink” party with horsdeovres at her condo (which was so festive for the holidays and decorated to the kids’ delight!). Tuesday was Christmas Eve dinner at our house but not before we went to church with Ted, Steph, mom, Kent, Mike, Keith and Mary Ellen (Leif was in heaven that his uncle showed up). Back at our house, we were joined by Aunt Chris, Sean, Yuko and baby Grant.  We had a ham dinner and everyone brought wonderful sides, apps and desert to take some of the pressure off of the Jensen fam (new family of 5!). The kids were thrilled with all the presents they received and even though we felt like “good Lord they were spoiled”, we remembered that Christmas is only this magical for a few more years so you know what?  Spoil them rotten for all I care. They are definitely on the nice list!!
Christmas morning had all the excitement we’d hoped for with the kids up early running downstairs to see their stockings and santa pics. We went for a family walk (just the 5 of us) to get some fresh air and remember what Christmas is all about. Then up to Everett to the Jensen clan for more good food and company. The baby was the star and, as usual, did SO well amidst the chaos! 
Ted and Steph left on the 26th and my mom and Kent left on the 27th. Kayla came into town from the 26th-31st and the kids, who absolutely adore her, were in second heaven. They made rainbow loom bracelets, built a Jensen aquarium, watched Brave and mommy and daddy even got to go out on a date!  
We had the house back to ourselves by New Years and after a quick stop at the Kings for a drink to toast in 2014, we all went to bed early!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  I really believe 2014 is going to be incredible.