Liam’s First Day of Kindergarten

Our baby boy went off to Kindergarten today in his new Lightning McQueen shirt after an enormous pancake breakfast.  I CANNOT believe he is there right now.  Leif and I were so unbelievably proud of him as we watched him walk in to the huge Carl Sandburg building.  Where did the time go?  He hardly batted an eye and did not look back a single time.  So brave.  So big.  So AWESOME.

Me on the other hand – I looked back about 200 times.  I hid my head in Leif’s shoulder as he walked in so Liam wouldn’t see the tears coming down my face.  I was not sad, just proud.  We snuck into his class once he had settled to get just a few more pictures and there he was, listening intently and raising his hand.  I really cannot believe this is the little boy that struggled so much the last 18 months with separation anxiety.  He has worked SO hard and has overcome and persevered and has gained such life skills in the meantime.  Did I say how proud I am of him???

His buddy Blake was there as well as all his neighborhood friends and all his xfit friends.  We realized how unbelievably connected we are to this community and how blessed we are to live where we do.

Congratulations Liam.  This is a BIG day!!!