Leif’s release party for VERA was in NY this last week and auntie Kayla came up to babysit.  Before I go into the trip, I have to give her a huge shout out for flying to Seattle to take care of the little ones.  We are SO unbelievably blessed to have the family that we do who cares so genuinely for our kids.  It meant so much to know that they felt safe and secure with their auntie – the pictures on Instagram proved it!

It was a whirlwind trip for Leif and I and the highlight was defintely the night we got dressed up to go to the party at the World Trade Center.  However, we also got to do a tiny bit of site seeing (Ground Zero), and experience an amazing steak dinner.  I will admit that I was not the best traveling partner and I hope that Leif can forgive me for that.  I have been SO sick and SO tired with this pregnancy and I was unable to rally like I wished I could have.  But, we did it – a 3 day, 2 night trip to NYC.