Jensen Christmas Vacation

Not even sure where to start. We decided to drive to California this year to spend Christmas with Gruncle and Grauntie (my uncle Alan and auntie Anita) and my cousins Jada, Kayla and Chani. My mom and aunt Chris drive down as well and Kent drove up. Everyone we told that we were taking a 3 and 5 year old on a 15 hour car ride thought we were crazy but I swear to you – they were easy as pie! We had a formula – 1 hour of Leap Pads (courtesy of gpa Teddy and gma Stephie), 1 hour off. Break to get out of car and get coffee, gas or lunch and then 1 more hour of leap Pad or listening to a book on tape. Then, only of they took a nap (and both of them did), they could watch a movie of their choice. We filled in the rest of the time with Christmas carols, “I spy” and other silly games. At times it was very “Christmas Vacation”, but we loved it.

Our first stop was in Eugene where we saw Keith and Mary Ellen for a few hours. They had prepared a great lunch for us and showed off their new addition to their house – an upstairs sanctuary! The kids got to open some presents a little early and Leif got to give Keith a poster that Leif made for Keith’s 60th (“Peaking since 1953!”).

In Santa Rosa, we stayed at the Hyatt which was perfect. It even had a pool which we went in twice (yes-we were the only ones swimming in the 52 degree weather but it was sunny and us Seattleites were not gonna waste the opportunity for some vitamin D!). We did not spend much time at the hotel however as there was so many things already planned for us!

On the 23rd, we were at my aunt and uncle’s house for a big Filipino feast! We all had more than out fair share of lumpia and cioppino! It was a celebration of my cousin Chani and Brendan’s engagement. The 24th was also at Alan and Anita’s where we ate even more wonderful food – ham this time. My brother kent was there and we had fun prepping the kids for the next day!

Back at the hotel we hung the stockings on the tv stand and laid out cookies for Santa and an apple for Rudolph and what do you know? Santa figured out where we were and he came to our hotel room and left all kinds of presents behind! The kids were so stoked and remained that way all day long. Skyler’s favorite gift was probably the two pink princess dresses which she would not change out of for the rest of the trip and Liam’s favorite was either the stuffed animal dog from uncle Kent or the Lego Ninjago set from Santa.

Leif and I, my uncle and the cousins went to see an afternoon movie while kids stayed back with my mom and Anita. That evening, the four of us went back to the hotel early for a night cap in the lobby and them am early bedtime!

The ride back went just great and we even decided to extend our trip a day and head to Hood River for the night after spending time over lunch with Keith in Eugene. We just were not quite ready to be home. However, once home, it felt really good to be here and we haven’t wanted to jump back in that car in days! 🙂