Best day all year!

I can honestly say that, even with the fairly large scale meltdown at the end of the night (courtesy of Liam not wanting to put his jammie’s on), today was the best day of my year. The kids woke up early but did not come into our room until 7! Leif did elbow me at 6:15 to tell me that “Liam is blowing his toy whistle and somebody needs to do something about it” but to his defense, I had agreed to take the kids in the morning if he took the night shift. ;). We went to church at 8:30 and, as they always do, the kids went running for Leif to hug him before going into class (Leif goes early to help with parking). For some reason, it always makes me choke up when they go running for him. How lucky I am to have him as my husband. He is seriously such a wonderful father. After church we did our regular grocery shopping and then stopped off at Michaels to grab gingerbread houses. The rest of the day was filled with watching the Seahawks slaughter Arizona, making gingerbread houses, and then decorating the tree. Grandma came over too and the kids showered her with some much needed love. Liam unpacked every ornament with care and was so excited to decorate the tree. Skyler fed off his energy and followed in step with her own little touches (mostly pink flowers). Everyone was so relaxed, content, and grateful. It truly was such a special day.