Super Hero, Princess or Both?

Skyler cracks me up. One minute she wants to wear only pink dresses and the next she is telling me she wants to have a Super Hero birthday party. I took her to the mall last night and her brain just about exploded as we walked into the Disney store. She ran from princess to princess tripping over herself with excitement. When she saw the Cars 2 toys, she started picking things out for Liam. When we sat at the make-up counter in Nordstroms she very seriously told the make-up artist that her name was “Wonder Woman.” This was just after she asked for some lip gloss.

She was playing with her brother the other day and told me that she was going to “knock him out cold.” Then she disappeared upstairs. After a few minutes, I heard her coming down the stairs saying “a princess is coming!!!” She appeared with her Wonder Woman costume still on but with a pink tutu over the top of it. I thought to myself “yep – that pretty much sums her up!”