After a beautiful week of sunshine, the snow hit just as they predicted (for once the weather guys got it right!). 8-10 inches they said – and that’s exactly how much sits on our back deck. I LOVE when it snows! The kids LOVE when it snows. We can never get off our hill and suddenly time slows WAY down. We spent 5 days bundling up the kids and taken them out to sled, build snowmen, and play. Leif left on Monday after building a snow man with the kids in the backyard. He was gone all week which I thought was going to be really hard but as it turned out, we fared ok. We have great friends who pulled through to support the kids and I and our new nanny, Lisa, walked up the hill every day so that I could get a few things done. Although I am looking forward to getting back to “normal life”, this has been an exciting little break!

Highlights were: building a snow man in the back yard, sledding down our driveway, walking/sledding down the entire Goat Hill so that Monica could pick us up for school in the morning, walking down to Brix with Chabree for a glass of wine, and of course, Leif coming home after what seemed like forever, on Friday night!