Christmas 2011

Christmas this year started on the 23rd. We went to Mike’s house for dinner with Ted and Stephanie, and a few of Mike’s friends. The kids love being over at Mike’s house – so do we for that matter. He lives right on Lake Washington and has, arguably, the best view in all of the Puget Sound – both the Bellevue skyline and the Seattle skyline sit squarely outside!

Christmas Eve was a celebration at our house. Mom, David, Kent, Ted, Stephanie, Mike, Aunt Chris, Sean and Yuko were all there. As usual, Leif and I were a bit laid back about the set up but it turned out beautifully – with Leif’s christmas lit bar, our fun and festive blue sparking table (thanks to a very last minute trip to Michaels), great wine provided by Sean and Yuko, an amazong salad provided by Aunt Chris, and a yummy pumpkin pie thanks to mom (and Costco!). Funny – I can’t remember what we cooked for dinner. Hmm…I guess its already starting! We went to church at 3:30 and were ready to party by 5!

Christmas morning was so exciting. It is amazing how much having kids brings back the excitement and magic of Christmas. The kids woke up to their stockings full and the cookie crumbles on the floor. Liam got a red piano, a ton of new cars, an captain america costume, and a transformer toy. Skyler got a vanity “ariel” set, little mermaid EVERYTHING, a wonder woman costume, cars, and more. They have it SO good. It was fun for all of us.

Everyone cleared out around 1 and we were left to basque in the joy of the four of us. It was nice to have that time to gather ourselves and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. We had “family time” on the couch, the kids played with their new toys and we relaxed the rest of the day away.