Skyler gives up her paci and moves into her big girl bed!

We have fretted the day when we would have to pull the pacifier from Skyler but she has taken it like a pro. She has really proved what a flexible baby (dare I still call her that?) she is. She was a bit confused because, between Liam and I, we couldn’t get our story straight: I told her that the paci fairy came and took her pacifiers to the little babies. Then Liam said “no, the fairy took them to the little fishies.” Then I said “well, maybe the little fishies came and got them last night from her bed.” Then Liam said “fish don’t come in our house…they just swim in the water.” At that point, I looked at Skyler and she had somewhat of a panicked and very confused look on her face. However, after one rough nap time (it took her about 35 minutes of crying before she went to sleep whereas she usually asks to go to bed and then falls asleep in 2 – 3 minutes), she was pretty much okay with it. Each time I put her down now she says to me “no more pacis for Skyler!” What an amazing child she is!