Snowflake Lane

I can honestly say “I don’t think it could get any better than tonight!” 4pm on a Thursday and because I was home and Leif worked an early day, we were able to pack up the kids and head out to see Santa at Bel Square. With grandma leading the way (and mommy lagging behind as she window shopped), we made our way to Santa’s house where there was only a 10 minute wait. The kids looked adorable – Skyler is her pretty red dress and Liam in his green and red shirt. Liam was ready – he rehearsed what he was going to say to Santa in the car. He marched straight up to him and demanded a “piano.” He told Santa he was a good boy too. Skyler was unsure of the whole ordeal – she definitely preferred “Fanta” from a distance but did not cry when she sat on his lap – just did not look entirely comfortable either and wouldn’t say a word.

Leif and my mom took Liam to the Microsoft store while Skyler and I did a little shopping. There was a new game for the Kinect that teaches you how to dance. The employee who was showing everyone how to do it asked Liam if he wanted to play. 3 songs later and we couldn’t get Liam off center stage. He had drawn a huge crowd of people who were all watching in delight as the 3 year old tried to dance like Lady Gaga (he did a lot better than most could have!)
After the mall, we walked over to Pagliacci afterwords for pizza and beer. Leif and Liam drew all the different characters from the cars movie while I followed Skyler around the restaurant…
As we walked out of Pagliacci, we checked the time and it was 6:59 – one minute before Bellevue Way magically turned into Snowflake Lane. We raced over to the street and made it just as the drummers started banging away. There was Frosty, Rudolph and princesses dancing their way up and down the street while snow fell from the sky. Liam started dancing and Skyler held on tight to me – both wide eyed as the production rolled by!
It was such a fun night and so magical to watch it all threw the kids’ eyes. I seriously LOVE having children!