Thanksgiving 2010

Scott and Nathalie arrived at 3:30 today to snowy Seattle. Most of the snow from the last couple days had melted making it easy for Leif and Grandma to pick up Scott and Nathalie at the airport today at 3:30. Turkey dinner (thank you Metropolitan Market), the kids and I anxiously awaited their arrival. We had a wonderful dinner together with so much to be thankful for! A few off the top of my head:

Healthy families on both sides
Amazingly supportive and giving grandparents
Adorable, hilarious and brilliant children
An incredible community of friends
Flexible jobs
Travel to Arizona and Hawaii this year
A beautiful Herron Island summer
Our new deck and comfortable home
Snow in Seattle
So much more…
We had such a wonderful visit with Scott and Nathalie – easy and relaxed the entire time. The kids already miss them as both were so fun to be around. We spent a few days in Seattle and even had an adults night out to The Parlor and a movie. Scott, Nathalie and my mom went out to Herron for a couple days and then came back on Monday to celebrate Scott’s birthday at Cactus. Kids were so great and I really think Scott felt special – his favorite ice cream cake, apple TV and all!