Catching up….

Well, it has been WAY too long since I have updated the blog and it kills me to think I might have missed some key blogging events so I will do my best to catch up. I have to admit, things are a little crazy right now. Skyler is crawling and gets into everything she is not supposed to – if there are stairs within reach, she will try to crawl up them, if there are crumbs on the floor, she will eat them, if there is anything to pull herself up on, she will – and it often times ends up with a bump on her head. You can’t let her leave your sight and yet she will no longer sit content in your arms… Liam isn’t quite at the point where you can let him out of sight either and he is still almost 100% reliant on us for, well, everything. WOW – two kids under 3 is NO JOKE!

Liam has been a charmer lately. He went threw a 2 week stage there where I thought – oh geez – the terrible twos have finally hit. But, it passed and I honestly think it was just because we were “going going going” and he was overly exhausted. Leif and I have recently come to the conclusion that we do indeed need to SLOW DOWN our lives for our children. We tend to go until we are both so exhausted we can’t go any more – and if we are tired, you can only imagine our poor kids.

Liam talks 24/7 about just about anything. He narrates his day and what he is doing, he is constrantly asking questions about things he does not yet know, he counts (now in Spanish too due to our nannie’s influence), tells you the color of everything. He loves to organize everything and then destroy whatever has been put together. He is an absolute sweetheart to Skyler and LOVES to play with her. He gets upset if Skyler is not there to wake him up in the morning – mom and dad just don’t cut it anymore. When she is napping, he continually asks if he can wake her up. He reads books that he has memorized, he sings nursery rhymes better than me, and he makes up stories to tell (always starting with “once upon a time, there was this boy…”). He is an absolute riot and cracks Leif and I up every day. We were in the car a few weeks back and Skyler started crying. Liam says to her “PULL IT TOGETHER BABY!” This morning when Skyler was fussy, Liam went and found the tylenol syringe and stuck it down her throat. When I angrily asked what he was doing he said “Baby doesn’t feel good – she needs tylenol.” How could I possibly be upset. He always tells her that he is “right here baby” and when I let him wake her up from her nap he walks in and says “oh good morning baby…good morning….”

Skyler had roseola last week as her temperature shot up to 104. Then, with a rash all over her body, she started teething. The poor little thing has been miserable and her way of expressing it is with a high pitched squeel that could honestly break a window! However, how could we complain as today, she has been back to her smiley self, charming the pants off of anyone that walks by. She is in to sharing – she picks things up and then holds them out for us to take (as long as we then give it back) and she is mimicking her brother and us. She can clap, giggle, waive hello or good bye, and pull herself up onto just about anything. Although she wants her freedom, she also loves to be held – especially when she gets tired or uncomfortable.

Leif and I have both been extremely busy at work and, as always, are trying to find some sense of balance between work, kids, alone time, date time, exercise, etc. We are both very involved in Crossfit and try to fit that in more than a few times a week when we can. Not only does it mellow both of us out to get a great workout in, we have found a wonderful community there who supports us tremendously. Most people there have young kids – not as young as ours – but they all get it.

We hired a wonderful nanny a couple months back who is making a HUGE difference in our ability to “do it all.” The kids adore her and it makes it so much easier to leave in the morning (I haven’t driven to work in tears in almost 2 months!). Liam actually walks her to the door and gives her huge hugs when she leaves for the day. I feel so blessed. I come home to projects that Liam has made, the kids happy, fed and napped, the house clean and sometimes even my laundry done. It is priceless.

So I will try to find more time to keep the blog up to date but that is the re-cap for now.