More Herron Island Weekends…

By Thursday morning, Liam can’t wait to get back out to Herron Island. We have spent almost every weekend there for the past couple months. The first words out of his mouth when he wakes up are either “boat ride”, “kayak ride” or “ferry boat.” What a life he lives – he is such a lucky kid. And Skyler isn’t complaining either. She get’s to go be loved and held by Grandma Mum Mum, Opa, Grandpa Teddy or Grandma Stephie all weekend long. It is so nice for Leif and I to have the help too. How else would we get to go wakeboarding? Or just getting time to sit in the boat and have a beer? It’s a good life…

My mom threw a “deck warming party” to welcome the new addition to her home – it looks amazing with the glass railing. Stephanie threw a get together of Sunday as well – Great Grandpa Merritt did really well!