False Labor – not again!

The familiar feeling of early contractions started on Sunday. I remembered exactly what it felt like from when I went into pre-term labor with Liam at 32 weeks. This time, however, I was only 27 weeks. To the hospital we went to be monitored for a few hours. This time, no shots of tributaline were required…just sent home and told to start taking it easy. The funny thing is, although I was sick to my stomach for the first month of this pregnancy, since then, I have not felt pregnant AT ALL. I have been working out and racing around like usual. Then, all of the sudden on Friday I magically “got pregnant.” Suddenly, I am exhausted and uncomfortable….aware of my belly and feeling the jabs to my ribs that are oh so familiar. So, I guess it is finally becoming real and I need to slow down. We still have another 10 weeks…ughhh!