First Trip to Denver!

Liam and I were supposed to head to Denver last Saturday but Leif and I came down with the stomach flu Friday night and there was no waking up early to catch a plane for me. So, we re-scheduled our trip for Thursday and I am so glad we did. Liam was perfect on the plane…slept almost the entire trip on my lap! I spent most of the time looking down at him and feeling like the luckiest mom in the world.

Once in Denver, my dad and Mary picked us up and drove us into Boulder. I loved it….what a great town. I hope Liam goes to school there one day! Another 25 minutes and we were at my dad’s new place in Nederland. It is a tiny mountain town 15 minutes away from a great ski hill. It will be a perfect place to bring our kids to learn to ski and to give mommy and daddy a few good days on the hill!

It snowed in Nederland and Liam loved to go outside and experience the cold. We relaxed, ate well and had a wonderful visit with my dad and Mary. I am looking forward to going back with Leif next year!