Sleepin’ Boy!

I am almost afraid to write this as I still go to bed every night praying that Liam will not wake up. However (knock on wood), for the last 4 nights in a row, he has slept 11+ hours. Last night, he slept 8pm – 7:30am, without waking AT ALL! Unfortunately, mom’s clock is still on the 2am schedule and I continue to sleep so lightly a fly could wake me. But we are so blessed that our little man loves to sleep. His schedule at almost 4 months is as follows:

~7am: wake up and eat 4-6 oz of milk
7:15 – 8:15: play with mom and dad
8:15: drink the rest of my 6 oz bottle and go down for a nap
8:30 – 10/10:30: nap with his waterfall music on
10:30: drink 6 oz of milk
10:45 – 1:15: go on a run with mom, Christian (2yrs), Beckham (9mos) and Lenore or go run errands. Cat nap on and off.
1:15: drink 4-6 oz of milk
1:45/2 – 4: nap with waterfall music
4:15: drink 6 oz of milk
4:30 – 6:45: play with mom and dad…get a little cranky (we call it happy hour)
6:45: bath time!!!
7:30: eat 6-8 oz of milk
8pm: sleep