Presley’s room

I told the kids tonight to go up and clean their rooms before their bedtime show. After they went downstairs for some screen time, I went up to inspect. I found Presley's bed like this  I asked Skyler and Liam if they had helped her and they both adamantly said "no." She's 3.  And…

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Whose excited?

One of our favorite times of the year is about to begin!  So many parents complain that baseball is too long and too slow of a sport to enjoy watching but we feel just the opposite.  It is so exciting to watch Liam, who enjoys the game so much, thrive with his friends.  Further,…

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St Patrick’s Day 2017

Well it is safe to say that St. Patty's Day for Leif and I is not the drinking, partying craziness it once was. It was more like "quick down this Guinness because its St. Patry's Day and the kids are going to be home any minute". Once the kiddos walked on it was all about getting them dressed…

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“Oh for Pete’s Sake Mommy!”

As I went to put Presley in the car this afternoon, I opened the wrong side. She belts out "oh for Pete's sake mommy!"   Now where did she get that?

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Really Mom??!?!

We lock Presley’s door at night when she goes to bed. I know it sounds bad but she literally checks to make sure it is locked and if it isn’t, she will not stop getting out of bed!  So we lock it when she goes down and then unlock it when we go to bed.  Sometimes we forget to unlock it…

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Sun Valley!

What a whirlwind of fun (with a little bit of pain intertwined)!!  Lee and Leslie rolled out the red carpet for us like everyone said they would!  And with Keith being there too....well, let's just say we were more than taken care of!  We got to Sun Valley at…

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So Much Snow!

Snow days snow days and more snow days.  We can't get enough of them around here!

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Cousin Alex Visits…Annual Trip 2017

What a guy!  We have so much fun when cousin Alex comes to visit.  Everyone is down to do whatever!  There was a lot of guitar playing, a lot of skiing, and a lot of laughs.  The highlight was going to play mini golf, where Leif and Mike got really into the air guitar…

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Presley’s First Time on Skis

Well...the pictures pretty much tell the story.  This trip to the ski hell...I mean...hill, was definitely for the pic and nothing else.  There...we did it.  Now we can say she started skiing at 3 years old.   She was definitely ready and very excited to go and…

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I am participating in Idaho Rivers United’s River Run and was wondering if you would support me.

Idaho Rivers United works to protect and restore Idaho’s rivers and native fisheries, a cause very important to me. Idaho’s rivers need ongoing dedicated protections to keep our waters running clean, clear, and full of fish.

To participate in the River Run, I rafted down the Middle Fork River and had a great time. I saw lots of different kinds of fish and even a black bear.  They were all in their natural habitat and I want to keep it that way so all wildlife can be happy forever.

Please consider supporting me in my efforts for this worthy cause!

~Liam Jensen

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