Thanksgiving 2016 in Portland, Eugene and Great Wolf Lodge

Talk about a jam packed extended Thanksgiving weekend.  Our plan had been to drive to Eugene on Thursday morning but as Wednesday rolled by, a random thought came to me.  I had been wanting to go to Portland with the kids so why not knock half the trip to Eugene off Wednesday night. …

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Seahawks Seahawks Seahawks

Some clients of mine got me a ticket to the Seahawks Game this weekend.  I felt so guilty about going that I bought Leif and Liam tickets as well.  However, I was on the field and they were three seats from the back of the stadium.  SO….at half time, they came down and Liam…

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School Pictures – Nailed it!


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Thanksgiving Giving

The kids helped Uncle Mike today at Fred Meyer to collect items for the Basket Brigade – bringing food to families in Kirkland who have less than us.  I was proud of them.  I sometimes worry about their lack of perspective living in upper class Kirkland but, for the most part, they seem…

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Yogi spends the night

With my mom being out of town visiting Scott, Yogi got to come stay with us.  The kids love having him here and they all fight over having him sleep in their room.  He puts up with the chaos and crazy and then retires to his spot on the stairs to find some peace and quiet.

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Halloween 2016

Costumes this year were a bit of a cluster.  First Liam came home from shopping with grandma with a costume from the video game Halo.  We don’t even have the game Halo nor would we allow him to play it.  I have no idea who the costume it.  But he was excited.  Then Skyler…

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Last Minute Leavenworth Trip

If I am being entirely honest, weekends are tough.  Typically, we are overburdened with laundry, cleaning and other necessary catch up from the previous week as well as the pressure to prepare for the week ahead.  There’s no easy answer.  We are both working and we have 3 young…

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Leif’s Mid-Life Crisis

Thanks to Leif’s mid-life crisis (at least that is what I am calling it), we now have a skateboard ramp in the garage.  Liam is loving it and Leif spent a fortune on pads so that he could enjoy it too!  Skyler and Presley still prefer to use it as a slide, but they will have their time.

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Presley’s First Haircut

Well, I finally did it.  After coming to The Shop twice intending to have her haircut only to chicken out at the last minute, we finally got Presley her first haircut.  Both Leif and I were so scared to cut off those curly locks but they are still there despite cutting 2 inches.  She…

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I am participating in Idaho Rivers United’s River Run and was wondering if you would support me.

Idaho Rivers United works to protect and restore Idaho’s rivers and native fisheries, a cause very important to me. Idaho’s rivers need ongoing dedicated protections to keep our waters running clean, clear, and full of fish.

To participate in the River Run, I rafted down the Middle Fork River and had a great time. I saw lots of different kinds of fish and even a black bear.  They were all in their natural habitat and I want to keep it that way so all wildlife can be happy forever.

Please consider supporting me in my efforts for this worthy cause!

~Liam Jensen

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