Liam’s First Sleepover

We are entirely blown away by the confidence of our little guy. Since starting Kindergarten he has evolved into this little man that walks around this neighborhood like he owns the place!  He is having zero problems getting riding with Blake to the bus stop in the morning (which means I don't…

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Could she possibly be the easiest baby?

Presley is definitely giving Skyker a run for her money these days on getting the title of "easiest baby in the world"!  She is two months old today and I swear, all that baby wants to do is smile. She NEVER cries unless she is hungry, she is so easy to read and her first stretch of sleep…

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Football Season has Begun

It would be a major understatement to say that the Jensen's are into football this year. From the pre-season game that we watched in the hospital on the day of Presley's birth to today's game, we have been obsessed. I have decided it is the perfect time to have a baby - Leif is 100% content on game…

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Presley’s 1 Month Check Up

Presley's One Month Check Up Height: 21.75 (55%)Weight: 8 lbs 11.5 ounces (45%)Head Size: 50% For Comparison: Liam at 1 month: Height: 22.5 (90%)Weight: 10 lbs 4 ounces (75%)Head Size: 90% Skyler at 1 month: Height: 20.5 (25%)Weight: 7 lbs 12.5 ounces (10%)

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Liam’s First Day of Kindergarten

Our baby boy went off to Kindergarten today in his new Lightning McQueen shirt after an enormous pancake breakfast.  I CANNOT believe he is there right now.  Leif and I were so unbelievably proud of him as we watched him walk in to the huge Carl Sandburg building.…

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Liam’s Birthday

Liam has been looking forward to his 6th birthday since Skyler's birthday last May.  He had to patiently wait for Presley's and Daddy's birthdays to pass!  His day started with balloons in his room and a special birthday breakfast.  He opened his presents from us after and was…

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Leif’s Birthday

I so wanted to be the perfect wife - the one that could "do it all" - have a baby, lose the weight, breast feed like it was easy as pie, play with Liam and Skyler on demand, and, most importantly, have the energy to show Leif how much I adore and appreciate him on his birthday!  The plan was…

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Presley’s 6 Day Check-Up

Height: 20 inches (60%)Weight: 6 lbs 5.5 ounces (already back to birth weight!) (15%)Head Size: 13.75 (45%) For comparison, Skyler was exactly the same at 12 days old: Height: 20 inchesWeight: 6 lbs 5 ounces

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Big bro / big sis

When asked what their favorite part of having a new sister was, the kids responded: Skyler: "meeting the doctors" Liam: "holding her for the first time"

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I am participating in Idaho Rivers United’s River Run and was wondering if you would support me.

Idaho Rivers United works to protect and restore Idaho’s rivers and native fisheries, a cause very important to me. Idaho’s rivers need ongoing dedicated protections to keep our waters running clean, clear, and full of fish.

To participate in the River Run, I rafted down the Middle Fork River and had a great time. I saw lots of different kinds of fish and even a black bear.  They were all in their natural habitat and I want to keep it that way so all wildlife can be happy forever.

Please consider supporting me in my efforts for this worthy cause!

~Liam Jensen

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