Skyler’s bad boo boo

She was running full speed in flip flops and went down hard. Poor little thing.

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Skyler’s Rapunzel Birthday Bash!

Our little girl is 4!!! I cannot believe it. I know it's the cliche thing to say but WHERE DID THE TIME GO???!!?! It was so fun this year because he is so aware an opinionated about what was to happen on her birthday. She had all her friends picked out ("no boys except for Liam"), her theme…

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Our Announcement

This is the picture Leif posted to FB. Funny that FB is the new way to announce your bug events to the world! 54 "likes" and 16 "comments" later and now all our friends know. I love this picture - Skyler was so excited to take it with me. She is so precious! She's gonna be such a good big sister.…

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Summer came early!

The last time summer came this early was four years ago! I remember because it rained right up to Skyler's birth and then turned sunny for almost 6 months straight!!! Lets just hope this is summer is a repeat of 2009! The kids literally played in the blow up pool for 5 hours today with all their…

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10 days in sunny Arizona to visit grandpa and grandma Stephie! What a great trip we had - taken care of the entire time! It was so nice to be spoiled in the sun with daily pool time, bike riding, golf cart rides, patio time, wonderful food courtesy of Stephanie (I wish I could whip together meals…

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Mexico 2013

Who would have thought we could have so successfully pulled of a family trip amongst 12 of our friends!  I was worried about trying to find that perfect balance between having "family time" and "friend time" and my expectations around spending time with just the 4 of us (well, 5 if you count…

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Leif's release party for VERA was in NY this last week and auntie Kayla came up to babysit.  Before I go into the trip, I have to give her a huge shout out for flying to Seattle to take care of the little ones.  We are SO unbelievably blessed to have the family that we do who cares so…

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Just feeling extraordinarily blessed this morning as I sit on the couch eating my cheesy eggs (specially prepared for me by Leif even though he has to be a short order cook for me these days - kids wanted bacon eggs and I wanted nothing to do with bacon).  Since I am pretty sure that everyone…

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Skyler sleeps in Undies!

Well, she did it! She has been asking for months to not wear a diaper or pull up to bed because, and I quote, "princesses don't wear diapers." She was not buying it that even Ariel wore diapers when she was three! This is also her reasoning for not wearing jeans, not putting her hair in a…

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I am participating in Idaho Rivers United’s River Run and was wondering if you would support me.

Idaho Rivers United works to protect and restore Idaho’s rivers and native fisheries, a cause very important to me. Idaho’s rivers need ongoing dedicated protections to keep our waters running clean, clear, and full of fish.

To participate in the River Run, I rafted down the Middle Fork River and had a great time. I saw lots of different kinds of fish and even a black bear.  They were all in their natural habitat and I want to keep it that way so all wildlife can be happy forever.

Please consider supporting me in my efforts for this worthy cause!

~Liam Jensen

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