As I was leaving for work this morning Liam came to the door and yelled to me (I was warming up hue car) - "I love you mommy!". I yelled back but he did not hear me. He started yelling at the top of his lungs - "mommy!!! I love you! I love you mommy!". He really wanted to hear it back. Meanwhile,…

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After a beautiful week of sunshine, the snow hit just as they predicted (for once the weather guys got it right!). 8-10 inches they said - and that's exactly how much sits on our back deck. I LOVE when it snows! The kids LOVE when it snows. We can never get off our hill and suddenly time slows…

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Skiing with the Jensen Boys

The day after Christmas was a Jensen Boy (and mom) kind of day. Grandma Stephie stayed back to have girly time with Skyler and Leif, Liam, Grandpa, Mike and I headed to Crystal. Liam skied all day and didn't even want to break for lunch. Leif and I skied with him for a couple hours in the…

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Christmas 2011

Christmas this year started on the 23rd. We went to Mike's house for dinner with Ted and Stephanie, and a few of Mike's friends. The kids love being over at Mike's house - so do we for that matter. He lives right on Lake Washington and has, arguably, the best view in all of the Puget Sound -…

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Snowflake Lane

I loved tonight because it so embodies Leif and my style - in raising kids but also with life in general. We decided, relatively last minute, to take the kids (and Grandma) to Bellevue to watch snowflake lane and all its magic. We bundled the kids up because it was freezing and they both looked…

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More and more books…

I know I have wrote before about how much my kids love books but it has become pretty ridiculous with Skyler lately. We had to move the basket of books out of her room because she would not go to sleep (for her nap or at night). She would just pull book after book into her bed and lay there…

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I can't keep up with these posts!!! We went to Whistler with Liam at the beginning of December (i am having to pre-date this post by two months!) My mom stayed at our house with Skyler so that Leif and I could take Liam. The purpose behind the trip was twofold: (1) it was our friend Anders's 40th…

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Tree Decorating

Little Liam was so sick tonight as we put up our Christmas decorations. He wanted to be close to us and be a part of the action so badly. Leif made him a bed on the floor and he watched for as long as he could keep his little eyes open. With a 102 fever, it didn't take long - but, we loved…

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Kirkland Christmas Tree Lighting!

I remember 2 years ago when I changed Skyler on the ground in the 20 degree weather as Liam sat on his dad's shoulder's yelling "JUST LIGHT THE TREE!" How different it was this year! The kids could have stayed out all night they were so excited! I had had one of those days where nothing…

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I am participating in Idaho Rivers United’s River Run and was wondering if you would support me.

Idaho Rivers United works to protect and restore Idaho’s rivers and native fisheries, a cause very important to me. Idaho’s rivers need ongoing dedicated protections to keep our waters running clean, clear, and full of fish.

To participate in the River Run, I rafted down the Middle Fork River and had a great time. I saw lots of different kinds of fish and even a black bear.  They were all in their natural habitat and I want to keep it that way so all wildlife can be happy forever.

Please consider supporting me in my efforts for this worthy cause!

~Liam Jensen

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