Father’s Day Camping

We left Friday afternoon to head to Galena to camp for the weekend. Our friends, Kim and Will, and their daughters Samantha and Alex, joined us. Galena is such a gem of a place. Hard to believe we get to live 40 minutes away. The lodge has the best organic everything, the bike trails were…

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Biking home from Ketchum

Tonight as we road our bikes home, Leif looked at me and said “I don’t see you smile like that except on powder days.” I was beaming because we were all on our bikes riding home after a pizza dinner in Ketchum and everyone was happy. Our neighbor, Brent, had given PRESley a tiny road bike and she…

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Choosing our attitudes

Presley walked in this morning to my bedroom as I was drinking coffee and said “good morning mom I am going to choose to have a great attitude today.“ Maybe they do listen to me after all.

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Mom’s Birthday – this is 43

If this is 43, I must the luckiest woman ever. I spent the weekend in constant gratitude as we jumped in the car again and headed 1.5 hours north to Redfish Lake. It’s hard to believe all this beauty is so close to us and easy to get to. The kids were psyched as we stayed in a cabin near the lodge…

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Moab getaway

With Covid-19, we had to cancel our trip to Mexico, which was such a bummer! My need to get on the road and out of town was starting to make me crazy. Then our friend Brent pushes us to come on a last minute trip to Moab. We waffled as it was an 8 hour drive but ultimately decided it was worth…

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Fishin Penny Lake

We've loved having dad, uncle Mike and grandma around this weekend. Sunday funday was comprised of trampoline chaos and fishing on Penny Lake. Presley and Skyler both got their casting down and Liam, Skyler and dad all caught a fish. Presley was "bait girl". Grandma and I basked in the sun. ☀️

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A family with Coronavirus

I wrote this a few weeks after we all recovered - what I can remember of our experience with Covid:I was walking around the house tonight cleaning up and had this nagging urge to write the story of our life since March 6th. The girls had gone to my mom's for the night. They like to sleep in the…

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Presley’s notes

She makes them for me all the time. This one is my favorite so far... "Mom I love you. You are my pink leopard."

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I am participating in Idaho Rivers United’s River Run and was wondering if you would support me.

Idaho Rivers United works to protect and restore Idaho’s rivers and native fisheries, a cause very important to me. Idaho’s rivers need ongoing dedicated protections to keep our waters running clean, clear, and full of fish.

To participate in the River Run, I rafted down the Middle Fork River and had a great time. I saw lots of different kinds of fish and even a black bear.  They were all in their natural habitat and I want to keep it that way so all wildlife can be happy forever.

Please consider supporting me in my efforts for this worthy cause!

~Liam Jensen

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