
10 days in sunny Arizona to visit grandpa and grandma Stephie! What a great trip we had – taken care of the entire time! It was so nice to be spoiled in the sun with daily pool time, bike riding, golf cart rides, patio time, wonderful food courtesy of Stephanie (I wish I could whip together meals like that!), sleeping in (relatively speaking) and even some quality couple time thanks to Ted and Stephanie’s constant attention to our kiddos! We got to go to the big pool at Lifetime Fitness and the kids went to the zoo and LOVED it. I had a pedicure at Red Door, Skyler had a pedicure with grandma….i even had time to sit and read my book – such a luxury. The flights were easy as pie and so worth it! Thank you Ted and Stephanie for your hospitality and love. We felt it for sure! (More pics to come as soon as I download them!)