They really do listen to me!

We moved Thursday, went to the symphony upon arrival, unpacked my mom's house Friday, unpacked (sort of) our house Saturday and Sunday, went to a school event for Community School Sunday, worked Monday and then I took off for a work trip in Ohio Tuesday.  Returned Thursday only to race to get…

We Moved to Sun Valley!

It still most definitely seems surreal and I wake up wondering where I am...our new house is in total disarray and we are eating out of coffee mugs...we still don't know where the good places are to eat, drink or shop but we all have smiles on our faces and are enjoying every moment of figuring…

Home at Herron Island

We moved to Herron for the summer knowing (or, at least hoping) that all would come together in Sun Valley by the time we planned to move in August.  Trying to lead a normal day to day life on the island was a challenging task...who on earth can work in such a beautiful and fun filled…

Presley's Pre-Birthday Birthday Party

If there is one thing Presley is good at, it's being the STAR.  She had a smile glued on her face for her entire party.  We decided to celebrate early so that she could invite all of her friends from Preschool and Cuddlebugs.  She was very vocal about her desire to have a party at…

Skyler learns to wakeboard!

Not to be left behind, Skyler conquered her fears and learned to wakeboard this year!  She forced me to do it next to her for the first couple times and after that, it was old hat.  She is such a natural athlete with amazing body awareness and control.  We were so stoked for her!

4th of July

I swear there can't be a more spectacular fireworks display than on Herron Island!  It's not just the mad chaos of the North Beach where people go nuts with these enormous explosions but everywhere you look around the Puget Sound, there are fireworks going off.  The girls had a blast…

Saying Goodbye to Juanita Bay Montessori

Today we said goodbye to Meribeth and Leslie - two wonderful teachers who lovingly cared for all three of our kiddos through Preschool.  I didn't realize how emotional I would get until I was taking this picture and then all of the sudden there were tears running down my face.  Not only…

My Little Rockstars

So influenced by their dad’s love of music, these kids will rock out any chance they get.  I especially love to see Liam let loose since it is not his nature to do so.  But when his sisters are around, who love to dance and sing, he will sometimes join in with his rock n roll…

Oh Presley!

We are not certain where she is getting these moves.  And it is definitely a bit concerning how much she resembles a drunk person. But no...this is just her...expressing herself.  I might be hard to see when watching this video, but I see a child that is going to change the…