Cousin Alex Visits...Annual Trip 2017

What a guy!  We have so much fun when cousin Alex comes to visit.  Everyone is down to do whatever!  There was a lot of guitar playing, a lot of skiing, and a lot of laughs.  The highlight was going to play mini golf, where Leif and Mike got really into the air guitar…

Presley's First Time on Skis

Well...the pictures pretty much tell the story.  This trip to the ski hell...I mean...hill, was definitely for the pic and nothing else.  There...we did it.  Now we can say she started skiing at 3 years old.   She was definitely ready and very excited to go and…

Our Cute (and fearless) Snow Killers!

These two are becoming a force to be reckoned with out on the ski hill!  This year they did an All Mountain class every Saturday for 6 weeks.  Leif loves to take them up and they have such a fun routine Saturday mornings (it's worth mentioning here that Leif is the best dad ever - so…

Mom's Knee Surgery - she finally did it!

After years of saying she needed to do it, mom finally bit the bullet and had her knee surgery.  I know she was very nervous going into it but she did wonderfully.  Aside from the 24 hours she spent overdosed on pain medication and saying crazy things (i.e. that Scott, who she…

New Years 2017

Burgers, Pie Face and Mountain Biking...that was our New Year's this year.  Pretty sure we were all in bed by 9:30. :)  I am grateful for this family and so incredibly happy we are all still together.  Here's to another year of crazy and fun!  My 40th is this year so I…

Christmas 2017

I'm telling you!  Leif, Liam, Skyler, Presley and I know how to get on a plane and get out of dodge!  We have it dialed.  Our kids are so dang good with airports, airplanes, being in different places, enjoying different people, and keeping a good attitude.  We…

The Art of Living Camp

Leave it to Grandma Nancy (did I mention we all think she is the grandma from the movie Moana), to find a meditation camp for the kiddos.  To my surprise, they loved it.  It was a three day camp where the kids learned some basic yoga, breathing tools, and meditation (did I mention…

Life Care Center (round 3)

Presley performed at the Lifecare Center today with her friends from Montessori.  I can’t tell you how many times, betweel Liam, Skyler and Presley, we have now been to the Lifecare Center, but nonetheless, it never seizes to be darling.  They sat on Santa’s lap (again), sang songs and…

Santa Pictures

Finally…no one cried!  Liam asked for a remote controlled Ford Raptor, Skyler asked for a giant teddy bear and Presley asked for a book.  Go figure.


Snow in early December!  We woke up this morning to 2 inches of snow on the ground.  It took approximately 3.5 minutes for the kids to be dressed and out the door.  When you compare that to our typical school morning, which takes approximately 45 grueling minutes to get them all…