Science Fair Time

Liam and Skyler decided to perform solo this year at their science fair.  Liam did an experiment with a balloon and soda bottle (the bubbles end up blowing up the balloon) and Skyler did the tie dyed milk experiment that Liam did last year (always a crowd pleaser).  We had a fun time…

Look who is Potty Trained!!!

Score: Mom and dad: 3 Kids: 0 We did it!!!!!

My new running partner

Have I mentioned before that Skyler is always down for whatever?  Well, she is and I have finally found a running partner Skyler and I have been running one mile every Saturday.  She likes to take breaks to climb on and jump off logs, which isn’t doing much for our time, but it makes…

Ski Day with Uncle Mike

Uncle Mike should write this post since I was not there but today he took Skyler and Liam up to ski.  I was giddy with excitement for them.  Apparently, Mike and Skyler skied together the whole time, and Liam would do laps around them.  Meaning that at 8 years old, Liam is going up…

Seahawks Playoffs

Poor Leif – don’t get me wrong – he loves watching the Seahawks with his kids but when it turns into the entire neighborhood over for playoffs….let’s just say this wasn’t how he envisioned this.  His face in this picture makes me laugh.  He is such a good sport.

Our Little Performer and her little Mini Me (gymnastics style)

Skyler performed at gymnastics today in front of all the team parents and families.  She is awesome.  It is so much fun for me to watch her and remember so clearly what that felt like.  She has improved so much this last year and is now doing back walkovers and back…

Skyler Get's Contacts

After last ski season and poor Skyler having to deal with two fogged lenses (her goggles and glasses), we told her we would get her contacts.  She could wear them to ski and to go to gymnastics since she said that sometimes when she lands on her face, her glasses hurt her....ummm..... In any…

New Years 2016

Well, we brought in the New Year by going to our dear friend Chabree's house for dinner and celebrations.  I know I have said this before but we are beyond blessed to live in a neighborhood where we are all so close and where are children are best friends.  Chabree is an amazing cook so…

The Force Awakens

Some would say we are the best parents in the world for the stunt we pulled today and others would say that’s questionable.  However, Leif remembers the day that his dad pulled him out of school to take him to see Star Wars and I wasn’t about to miss out on an opportunity like that, so the…