Liam's First Overnight Camp

Our brave grown up boy went off with a smile on his face this Sunday to Lake Wenatchee YMCA.  The only sign that he was at all nervous was that he told Leif he loved him about 18 times that morning.  He was in a cabin with his buddy Carsen and from what I can tell from the pictures and…

Presley and Mom trip to Santa Barbara

Presley and I decided to take a last minute trip to Santa Barbara so that I could attend my 20th year reunion.  I hadn't been to my 10 year so it was really special to be able to show up for this one.  I did not remember knowing a whole lot of people from high school, just the handful I…

We love our neighborhood!

If Leif and I were in the market for a place to live today, there is a good chance we would pick (a) a house closer to the 520 (considering my commute) and (b) one with a more modern style. But I just can't imagine moving because our house is truly PERFECT for the Jensen Home. With the huge…

More Herron Island Fun

Getting our $$ worth!!!

Last day of School

Hard to believe Skyler is now a first grader and Liam a second grader. If you look at how much they have changed this year, physically and emotionally, it blows me away!  They have both grown at least a few inches.  Liam is a BOY, not a little kid anymore, full of strong muscles and…

Friends and Herron Island

We switched off. Casper and Gwen got to come to Herron last weekend and Ari came this weekend. The kids love having their friends at the island with them. I wonder if they know how lucky they are to have it!  Every time we are out there, I am blown away at the life Leif and I (with the help…

Naked Leggos

After Presley's bath this evening I couldn't find her anywhere. As it turns out, she had walked her little naked booty into Liam's room, sat down and work d on her first Lego project. This is how I found them and this was the result of her hard work. She is definitely more into building than Skyler…

My Birthday

One thing I really miss since having kids (aside from just time in general!) is being able to do "projects" with Leif. We have always loved working together on house projects and since having kids, it is now "divide and conquer."  In other words, I watch the kids so he can do the work. So for…

Baseball Fun

It has been so much fun this year to go to Liam's games and watch how much he has excelled.  The boys now understand the game, are more interested in the ball than the dirt and are actually getting some solid hits.  Liam is a great fielder too!  Tonight he was the only boy to hit the…

Mother's Day

Liam's class did something special this year for moms. I got to go in to his class, sit at his desk while he served me (and him) juice and cookies and then listen to the kids sing songs about their moms (he actually sang a little bit) and then recite a poem they had written. It was very very…