Skyler's Birthday Party - 6 years old!!!

Skyler was in her element big time as she glowed with excitement at being the center of attention amongst all of her best friends.  The party was at the Gymnastics Connection and the girls (plus Liam) had a blast running, hopping, cartwheeling, summersaulting and bouncing around the…

Sneaky sneaky

This is how I found them this morning. Do they look guilty or what?  Sure enough, after a bit of tickling, I found the iPad behind them!  Thank goodness they are young and innocent still!!!

Science Fair

Liam and his buddy Maxi, and Skyler and her girlfriend Layla participated in the Science Fair this year. Now some people have ventured as far as to call me crazy and shake their head at me given how hectic things have been for Leif and I over the last couple months with sick…

Big surprise in Arizona

We were so excited as we headed into a week in the sun!  It was the perfect Christmas present from Grandpa Teddy and Grandma Stephie finally coming to fruition!  We knew there was a big surprise but could not for the life of us figure out what it might be.  The flight was easy as pie…

Our little caretaker

Presley has not been feeling well lately - poor little thing has been hit hard in her first year of day care!  Thank God we have little Liam to take care of her. ;)

Herron Island Quick Escape

I have to admit, I was reluctant to head out to Herron Island this weekend.  I have been so exhausted with our very busy life and the idea of having to pack for the weekend was an overwhelming thought.  But Leif knew that we needed it and pushed us to go and I am so glad…

Becoming good friends

Skyler and Presley have recently started to get really close.  It's funny because it has, since now, been Liam and Presley that would hang out more.  Skyler would be off with her friends or doing her own thing.  But lately, Liam is out with his buddies every day…

Papa visits

Papa came to visit this weekend and we just stuck around so the kids could have a ton of down time playing in the neighborhood and relaxing in the house.  Lots of reading on Papa's lap and playing with Papa's duck!

Presley's first official bowl office cream

I don't really think she liked it...

Valentine's Day

Not only did the kids let us sleep in for Valentines Day, but they left us this note on our door.  We must be doing something right!  So darn sweet.