New Years Day

We had a mellow New Year's Eve. Spent a couple hours at the Kings house to toast in the new year but headed home early to get the kiddos to sleep. We did not want to start the year off with exhausted kids!  And it worked. Babies were sleeping by 8 and Leif and I by the NY New Years!  We…


Such a fun-filled Christmas this year and yet, for me, one of the most calm and relaxed ones too!  It was the perfect combination. We had the mandatory work parties and the crossfit party and santa pictures and snowflake lane all before the 20th of the month. Then from the 21st…

Uncle Mike's Holiday Party

So much fun this evening watching the Seahawks play over at Mike's house, visiting with family and friends and, of course, eating and drinking to our heart's content. The kids did great - no one caught on fire from the candles or spilled their blueberry juice on the floor. Phew!  Presley…

Bikini parties in December

Let me start by letting everyone know that it has been 26 degrees in Kikrland over the last week. Apparently, in a four year old's mind, there is no better time to have a bikini party. Each day Skyler and her girlfriends Ari and Gwen get their bathing suits on and strut around with a confidence…

Family time

We had such a great day today proving that three kiddos does not have to slow us down. After church, we headed out to Woodinville to cut down our own Christmas tree. I have been asking for the last three years to have a real tree because that is one of my fondest childhood memories - cutting down…


I have to hand it to my husband. After the week he has had with a stressful work situation, a wife who went back to work and a 3 month old who has not been sleeping very well, Leif somehow had the energy to cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner. He was up early getting the turkey going, the stuffing…

Skyler's Eyes

The other day I noticed that even though she was sitting just across from Liam at the table, she walked around the table to stand next to him in order to see his picture. It happened three times - Liam would say "look Skyler" and she would look up and then say "wait, let me see" and then would walk…


We still have not come down from the high of experiencing "the happiest place on earth!"  People ask if our trip was everything we wanted it to be and the only true answer is that it was so so so much more. Perhaps it was the fact that neither kid was scared to go on…

Liam's Self Portrait

Side note to Halloween. I went to Liam's kindergarten class for the Halloween parade and happened upon all the self portraits. I looked and looked and finally asked Liam which one was his. Can you guess? Yep - Darth Vader.  Here is his real school photo. Such a darling!!!