Skyler’s First Year IMD Championships!

I have had SO much fun going to Skyler’s races with her this year. There have been three in Utah and one in Wyoming. All but one we went alone - just the two of us. It has been quality time I will always cherish. She is so fun and she has come a long way this year being able to enjoy herself at…

Liam’s First Job

Liam has started working and Apples and let’s just say he is not disappointed with his new found financial freedom! He buses, does fishes and assistant cooks. He loves it because he is treated as an equal amongst his coworkers and he is getting great experience learning to interact with adults…

Still friends

It’s not often that they hang together anymore and they are at such different stages of life that they sometimes find it difficult to relate to one another but every once in awhile, they remember how much they actually do love each other.

Liam learning (and mastering) yet another sport

Taking after his dad and always stoked to learn something new, Liam has been picking up snowboarding. He did it twice last year and, given his background is wakeboarding and skateboarding, was competent within an hour. This year he has been going with Leif every Thursday after school - they…

Presley’s first official gymnastics meet

While it seemed crazy to drive all the way to Utah for Presley to compete for all of (maybe) 5 minutes, I realized that that is exactly what we do for every ski race as well! Some would say Leif and I are crazy but to be honest, it is so fun to road trip one on one with any of the kids. Leif and…

Gettin ready to race

She learned to wax and tune her own skis at camp last summer and is putting her new skills to use!

Yalda 2021

This year’s Yalda celebration topped them all with the winter solstice celebration out Croy Canyon. About 200 people gathered to watch the Willow woman - an enormous art structure made by several local artists - be burned to celebrate light over darkness. It was really incredible to see. We were…

Don’t Blink People…

Don’t blink people because of you do, your sweet innocent little girl will turn into a middle school beauty before you have time to say “slow down!” Skyler’s first trimester of middle school has come with its ups and downs, as middle school does for everyone. She has days when kids are nice, days…

Presley’s First Gymnastics Meet

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t geek out watching Presley in her first gymnastics meet. She shined on bars and floor, stayed on the beam and put together two great vaults. The best part of all of it is that she truly LOVES gymnastics and it has built her confidence and regulated her emotions more…