Leif's Birthday

I so wanted to be the perfect wife - the one that could "do it all" - have a baby, lose the weight, breast feed like it was easy as pie, play with Liam and Skyler on demand, and, most importantly, have the energy to show Leif how much I adore and appreciate him on his birthday!  The plan was…

Presley's 6 Day Check-Up

Height: 20 inches (60%)Weight: 6 lbs 5.5 ounces (already back to birth weight!) (15%)Head Size: 13.75 (45%) For comparison, Skyler was exactly the same at 12 days old: Height: 20 inchesWeight: 6 lbs 5 ounces

Big bro / big sis

When asked what their favorite part of having a new sister was, the kids responded: Skyler: "meeting the doctors" Liam: "holding her for the first time"

Skyler is almost swim safe!

After a totally dysfunctional episode at Herron Island a few weeks back in which I again proved to anyone within ear shot that I am completely incapable of coaching my children in sports, I enrolled Skyler in swimming lessons. For the record (and my honesty will only make me look bad but oh well),…

Random Herron Island side trip

On our way to Herron Island today, we discovered a random carnival on the side of the road just past Key Center. Although we were in a hurry to catch the 3 o'clock ferry, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to let the kids ride on a few rides and eat a snow cone. It was a quick trip but well…

Rapunzel hair

I received this picture from Leif this morning. I was already at work am he sent it saying: "Skyler did her own hair for school this morning". I am a little concerned with the freedom he is giving the kids in the morning (Leif takes them to school in the morning and I pick them up in the…

Poor little LJ

Our little boy has had a tough couple months!  It seems like one thing after the next yet he has handled it all in stride and has proved to be so extraordinarily resilient!  He had been going through a stage where he was experiencing extreme (understatement) separation anxiety. And I mean…

Her Ladyship

Leif's new nickname for Skyler is "Her Ladyship". We have clearly been watching too much Downton Abby!!!  She cracked me up the other day as she re-hashed the story of her getting in "big time trouble" for going over to our neighbors house after Leif had told her "no". I said "it's not okay to…

This family couldn't do it without him!

I know this blog is for the kids and I rarely post about Leif and I but I need to recognize him for all that he has done lately to make this family better.  Leif has had SO much on his plate lately.  A full time job, and a job search for something even better.  Starting his own…