The tree of good and evil...

Apparently, Skyler told Leif today that she wants to eat the apple from the tree of good and evil and then hide from God! Ummm...I guess I am glad she is listening when we play the Jesus stories but I am pretty sure she has completely missed the moral point! It's not about snack time and hide and…

Skyler's 3 year old checkup

Height: 36.25 (20%) Wight: 33 (50%) Healthy healthy! (but she was actually 3 years, 3 months old!)

Liam's 5 year old check up

Height: 42.75 (50%)Weight: 42 lbs (70%) Healthy healthy!

Liam turns 5!!!

What a day Liam had! First, he got to open his presents from his family - a 31" DK Batman, Star Wars t-shirts, and some other stuff. Then his mom and dad took him to George's for breakfast where he had pancakes and hot chocolate. Both kids took a nap (even though they could barely sleep from…

Seattle Aquarium fun

Liam and Skyler had many adventures this summer. Here's a picture of the kids at the aquarium.

Banks Lake Retreat

Brie's new job kicked off with the company family retreat at Banks Lake. Great family fun swimming, jet skiing, waterskiing, tubing, kids biking and fun conversation with Brie's new colleagues. The highlight for sure was Skyler dropping a sea biscuit mid swim in the middle of the lake. Well played…

Another birthday for Dad.

Kids and Brie surprised me with Breakfast in bed and presents and a cake downstairs. Kids loved watching me open my presents - a kettle bell, Kindle, frying pan, and a Huskies sweatshirt.

Beer and brats in Leavenworth

We've decided that Leavenworth is our favorite stop while heading over Stevens Pass. We stop going and coming home last weekend. On the way home, we even extended our stay to include some swim time at the local pool. Skyler did awesome and Liam passed their swim test which allowed him to jump off…

Skyler the gardener.

Skyler and Grandma Stephie worked hard this summer on their plot in the Herron Island community garden. So cute!

Liam's first fish!

Liam and Grandpa went fishing today and Liam caught his first fish! A bullhead.