Back to the beach!

Our local beach reopened from a long remodel and it's awesome! The city did a great job and the kids love being able to swim in the shallow waters.

Family night at Purple

We had such fun at Purple Tuesday night. It was a spontaneous outing and the kids were easy going and fun. They both loved their Mac N Cheese. Such a fun "date" night with the kiddos!

Uncle Scott's Triathlon

Uncle Scott, in the middle of a complete remodel on Grandma's house, somehow found the time to do the Kirkland Triathlon this morning. He rocked it and, aside from the mishap on the bike (he was riding a 10 year old mountain bike - possibly a girls bike - that had a rear view mirror and a bell!),…

Liam at the fire station

John invited us to visit the new Northshore Fire station last Saturday. Liam and his dad got a full tour of the station. Anders, Mike Morris, and Brian Ford were also on shift that day. It was a great time.


I think the beauty and the nightmare of have kids, ages 2 and 4, is that they can drive you into a state of sheer insanity in a matter of minutes and then, right as you are about to snap, as you head to the car to drive to the airport to go "anywhere but here", they suddenly turn into the sweetest…

Skyler's First Day of Montessori

She loves her new school. She and Liam walked in holding hands and walked out holding hands. I think Liam finds more comfort in having her their than the other way around, but regardless, they are very comfortable and happy having each other close. Apparently, there has been a small issue of…

Fall asleep my love...

I think watching my children fall asleep is the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed. Their little eyes flutter as they try desperately to stay awake. Then blink at a time...their eyes shut. And then last. So perfect. And all my frustrations…

Liam Turns 4!

He specifically wanted a Super Hero birthday so that is what he got. His buddies Beckam, Christian, Wyatt, Evan, Joel, Isaac, and Andrew all showed up as did Grandpa Teddy, Stephie, Grandma and Uncle Mike. We had the house decorated with Batman, Ironman and Spider man. The kids played…

Scary monsters

On our way to the gym this afternoon, Skyler told Leif and I that "if a monster comes, she will shoot it with her big gun." Are you kidding me? She needs a sister or some serious play dates with some girls!!! She also pretended to shoot me with a laser from her hands the other day when I told…

Asserting his independence while cracking me up

I have to give it to Liam for the stunt he pulled today. He is definitely asserting his independence these days and Leif and I are constantly having to reming ourselves that if he doesn't go through this, he will never leave home when he is 18! But today's move should have been on a sitcom. We…