Boys only - Girls only

On Saturday, Leif planned on working on the yard and Liam was thrilled to have "boys only" time with his daddy. He frantically looked around for his tools and lawn mower and when Leif came down in his jeans and no shirt, Liam quickly followed suit. Skyler and I, on the other hand, decided that we…

Lake Chelan

My boss, Jennifer, graciously allowed us to use her gorgeous lake house for the week in Lake Chelan. The kids were wide eyed (as were we), walking into the house. They ran around to the rooms and chose which ones were theirs. It immediately became referred to as "our lake house"! Both kids had…

He's all grown up!

Grandpa Ted called this morning saying he was stopping through and wanted to know if he could take Liam out to Herron Island for the rest of the week (4 days away from home). I asked Liam if he wanted to go making it clear that it would be 4 days and mommy and daddy were not going and he said "yes…

"I wuv you Wiam"

We were driving out to Woodinville when Carlie and Gabe were in town to go to wine taste and have dinner and the kids were getting sleepy in the back seat. I looked in the rear view mirror to see if they had fallen asleep yet and I watched as Liam reached his hand over to Skyler and Skyler quickly…

Brody and Samadi

Loren, Katie and their dog, Brody (more dear friends from xfit) came to Herron with us this weekend. Another weekend of great weather as we all spent the majority of the time hanging out on the deck and enjoying each other's company. Our kids love Loren and Katie and it was so much fun to show…

July 4th Fun!

We were so stoked to have near perfect weather for the 4th of July this year. Herron Island was the ideal place to be with the kids and our friends, the Burrows. John and Lori are very close friends of ours from Xfit and they have two super sweet, super high energy boys that decided that they…

Skyler gets her ears pierced!

I know it is probably more "pc" to wait until she is old enough to choose for herself, but I always regretted not piercing Skyler's ears when she was a baby. And, I can justify the decision because she really did keep asking for "earnings". :) She did awesome - cried for a minute or so and then…

My Love Flowers

Liam has been picking flowers for me lately and telling me that they are "love." This is one of those things that the kids do and all my troubles melt away. Staying home has been so wonderful. The challenging times are always met by sweet times that make you forget the challenging times. I…

Skyler's First Joke

I had to post about this because, even though she has told this joke about 300 times in the last week, I still laugh each time because of the realization that this is her first "joke." We were in the car pulling in to Home Depot the other day and Skyler says "I call Home Depot, Home Depoop."…

Look at my Toe Snails

I painted Skyler's toe nails red the other day and she keeps walked around telling everyone to look at her toe snails. She also thinks that as long as she says "I'm just pretending", then she can do anything she wants. For instance, she hit mommy and then said "I'm just pretending." She pulled…