Liam's end of the year party

Today marks the end of Liam's first year of preschool. He went Tuesday and Thursday mornings and has learned so much. We feel so incredibly blessed to have found a Montessori school that is so close to home that has the most wonderful teachers we could ask for. Meribeth and Leslie have been a…

Family Garden

We have decided to do a family garden! Each person gets a bed! Leif and Liam spent the day on our back hill digging out the enormous grass like plant that was taking over the hill. Liam loves to help his dad and Leif is so good about including him. I think he loves it too, even though it takes…

Skyler gives up her paci and moves into her big girl bed!

We have fretted the day when we would have to pull the pacifier from Skyler but she has taken it like a pro. She has really proved what a flexible baby (dare I still call her that?) she is. She was a bit confused because, between Liam and I, we couldn't get our story straight: I told her that the…

Brie's birthday!

What a great birthday weekend it was. Grandpa Teddy and Grandma Stephie stayed over Friday night with the kids (thank you) so Mom and Dad could celebrate her birthday in style at the Bellevue Westin. There was plenty of fun all weekend. Ending it at the Larson's with a great dinner.The kids helped…

Skyler's 2 year old check up

Height 33.25 - 50%Weight 26.55 lbs - 50% In comparison to Liam at age 2: Height: 35.5 - 90%Weight: 29.7 lbs - 70%

To the Moon and Back

I sometimes ask the kids if they know how much I love them. I respond by telling them I love them to "the moon and back!" It is from a story called "Guess How Much I Love You" that we often read before bedtime. Tonight as I was putting Skyler to bed she said "I love you mommy, to the moon and…

Skyler's Baptism

I don't know what my favorite part was about Skyler's baptism. It could have been her ADORABLE dress (and her telling me that she was a princess when we put it on her), or Liam's excitement to get his suit on when he saw how pretty Skyler looked, or Skyler looking up to the alter and saying…

Easter time

Well - if I were being 100% honest, I would tell you that our Easter was comprised of melt down after melt down (both kids and parents). Whoever said pictures never lie was full of it!

God lives where???

We have been talking a lot about God and heaven in the past couple weeks because of Boomer's death. :( I have to admit, it has been somewhat of a round a bout conversation with little Liam. I think 3 is a little young to fully comprehend death and God and heaven and all that goes with it. He…