Skye and Dad's Morning Routine

It's her new routine in the morning - she gets up early and reads the paper with dad!


Well, it was a rough weekend! We decided to pull the pacifier on Friday because our dentist told us Liam's teeth were beginning to spread. He seemed ready to do it so he and I took his pacies down to Juanita Beach and threw them to the fishies (I know, not the most environmentally friendly thing to…

Bathtime ABC's!

Watch this video and see Liam showing off his ABC's.

Skyler - 5 months and cracking up

Video of Skyler laughing. Yeah...she get's a kick out of her daddy already! Skyler has to be the funniest little girl ever. She belly laughs every time you startle her. Playing peek-a-boo is literally the highlight of my day. She is so wonderful.

Our own little Alarm Clock....

Our power went out last night for 3 hours. Tim, Aly and their little one, Blake, came over for a candle light dinner. Blake and Liam play so well together - their favorite was playing "chase" all over the house and screaming. They dance is ridiculously cute! Skyler was, as usual, easy as…

Bath Time Fun!

Even with two of them, bath time is still a fun time of the night. I usually bathe Skyler while Leif bathe's Liam but tonight, they went in the same tub! Skyler gave Liam her usual "you are crazy" look while Liam put bubbles all over the both of them. He continues to be so sweet to her, not…

Two Kids - Six Shots

Well, it can't get much harder than today's visit to the doctor. We had Skyler's 4 month check up (which was almost 3 weeks late) and Liam's 2 year old check up (which was almost a month late). They both checked out perfectly - percentile's below. And, really, looking back at this blog and…

Blurry pictures!

I took these from Leif's phone this morning so they are not the greatest quality. However, Skyler is changing so fast, I had to post them! She is so SWEET. I wish I could come up with a better word to describe her but that is just it - it's the perfect word for her. She is so smiley and has…


We just had the most fun filled weekend!!! It started out Friday night with our good friends over at our house for flank steak and beers to celebrate Leif's birthday. How good it must feel to be turning 34 and be in the best shape of his life! Saturday morning started out with Cross fit where…