Herron Island Grandparents!

We really do feel blessed to be able to go out to Herron Island and have our children spend so much time with my mom, David, Ted and Stephanie. It has certainly made it easier to have two kids under two!

Laughing Girl

I could watch this over and over and over and never tire of such a beautiful laugh!

Mom and Dad get Fancy

Leif and I went to the Hope Gala tonight while Grandma Mum Mum watched the kids!

Liam taking requests at the backyard party...

However, he only knows Sublime, Slightly Stoopid, Pennywise and the Wiggles.

Swimmin Boy

We have been taking advantage of Mike's pool to endure the hot weather - 105 degrees. Liam is getting so comfortable in the water. He jumps of the side into his daddy's arms and, aside from the time they hit heads, absolutely LOVES it! Now when you mention Mike's name he says one of three…

More Milestones

Today was a big day. Skyler is growing up, literally, in front of our eyes. Today she layed on her play mat for 30 minutes grabbing at her toys and rattles. She concentrates so hard - sticks out her tongue and reaches ever so carefully until she feels the rattle on her skin. Then she grabs hold…

"Bun Over"

Well, I didn't catch the greatest shots of Skyler tonight but it was such a memory, I had to post the pictures anyway. I layed Skyler down next to Liam tonight as we were putting Liam to bed and he looks over at her and says "Bun Over Baby." Then he kissed her good night.