More Herron Island Weekends...

By Thursday morning, Liam can't wait to get back out to Herron Island. We have spent almost every weekend there for the past couple months. The first words out of his mouth when he wakes up are either "boat ride", "kayak ride" or "ferry boat." What a life he lives - he is such a lucky kid. And…

Liam's goin skiing . . .

My favorite part about this video is how Liam catches a glimpse of himself in the hallway mirror as he passes by and does a double take to check himself out before continuing on . . . typical Jensen boy!

Skyler Update

Here are some cute pictures of our little girl who is growing up WAY too fast. Grandma Mum Mum took good care of her while we played with our friends last weekend!

Herron Island with the Kings

We had such a great weekend with Rich, Lenore and Liam's big bros, Christian and Beckam. The weather this summer has been awesome - it was 80 all weekend long. The boys had a blast and we were all able to relax in the sun on the beach and on the boat!

My baby sister - The best big brother in the World

Liam is so sweet to Skyler. He never likes to hear or see her get upset so when she starts to cry he says "uh oh" and runs upstairs to get her pacifier. He brings it back to her and usually tries to put it in her mouth but misses and sticks it into her eye instead. He helps her to roll over when…

Skyler's 2 Month Appointment

Growing like a weed! Height: 22.5 - 50%Weight:10 pounds 7 ounces - 50%Head Size: 15.25 - 45%

Uncle Sock and Samir Visit

The pictures speak volumes - we had a fantastic visit with Scott and Samir over the 4th of July weekend.

Dancing and Swimming

Liam and Skyler love to dance together and Liam likes to show her his new tricks - laying on his back and floating in the bath tub and blowing bubbles in his new pool!

Rolling Over at 7 Weeks

Skyler - at 7 weeks old - can already roll over. She did it a couple times when my dad was visiting and has now done it several more times. We spent the weekend out at Herron Island - it was such a beautiful weekend. My mom's place is looking awesome with her new deck and the house itself is…