Papa and Nana come to visit

My dad and Mary came out last weekend for father's day and we had a wonderful time introducing little Skyler to them. When they walked into the house, we were all having a dance party - Liam's idea. Liam is so taken by my dad and wanted nothing more than to sit next to him and read. I felt…

Girls are so much fun!

Ok...I might be having too much fun today with Skyler. She has been so smiley and cute. I couldn't resist dressing her up for a few pictures...

Skyler Update

Skyler slept from 8:30 until 3am last night. 7 hours! I have so much energy today I don't know what to do with myself! She has been smiling like crazy as well. So alert. When I try to rock her to sleep I can't look down at her because she just stares at me and waits for my eyes to meet hers so…

Liam's loves the water!

Here are a few pictures of Liam enjoying the nice weather and his new pools.

Skyler's 1 Month Check Up

She continues to grow like a weed and has filled out so much. Doctor Eichner says she is perfect! Height: 20.5 inches - 25% Weight: 7 pounds 12.5 ounces - 10% On average she sleeps from 8 pm to 1/2ish am. She wakes for about 15 minutes to drink some milk and then usually goes right back down.…

Our trip to Lake Chelan

We have decided that for the next 5 years (if not longer), it will not be easy to travel with the kiddos. However, rather than be a prisoner to our home, we are saying "yes" to all trips whenever possible. We figure that a 3 hour trip will always take at least 5 and that there will be many times…

12 Days Old....

Skyler has been gaining weight like crazy now that she is out in the real world. We took her to the doctor today and was already 6 pounds, 5 ounces! Still only in the 5% but so healthy! She is 20 inches long which puts her in the 25% for height - just perfect for a girl.

Our first trip to Herron Island with "the kids"

Leif and I say "the kids" and it seems to echo through our brains. It seems like just yesterday it sounded weird to say "my husband." Now I have a husband and two kids! How and when did that happen??? We took Liam and Skyler out to Herron Island today...just for the day as I am not yet confident…

Liam meets his little sister for the first time

I think that poor little Liam was more worried about his mommy than he was concerned with his new little sister when he came to visit us in the hospital. Given that he has been hospitalized twice in the last year, I think he thought something was wrong with me when he saw me in the hospital gown…