Skyler Rose Jensen is here!

Leif and I woke up at 4:15 this morning to go to the hospital. Even though we had been through the routine once before, both of us were more nervous the second time around! I thought Leif was going to have a panic attack as we walked to the operating room. The c-section went okay although it…

Herron Island 09

We say it all the time - there is no place in the world we would rather be on a hot, sunny day than Herron Island. There really is something magical about it. It was in the 70's these last couple days and with two sets of grandparents on the island, what better place could there be for a 9…

18 Month (well, 19 month) check up

Liam got another A+ at his checkup today. Height: 34.5 - 90%Weight: 27 lbs 5.5 oz - 60% He also got his MMR shots. Grandma Stephanie came with us and got to hold him this time. It certainly hurt him but he was over it quickly. When he got home he told his dad all about it! "Booboo there" as he…

Grandma is back in town!!!

Grandma Nancy got home today from her month long trip to China. Although exhausted by the long plane ride, Liam was not about to leave her alone. He would not leave her side. Book after book she read to him as he just plopped down on her lap. When she got up, he would cry and reach his hands up…

Arizona 2009

Mom! Why didn't you pack my swim trunks. This is SO embarassing! As long as we were outside, Liam was a happy boy! Can you tell mommy is 8 months preggo? Watching the thunderbirds. I don't think Grandpa Teddy and Liam left each others' sides. Playin in the pool and the Club! Big boy…

Liam new bed

With Skyler on her way in a few months, Liam moved to his big boy bed in the next room over. His Uncle Mike gave him the Cars poster for Christmas. He did great! Slept through the night first try!

New Adventures

Liam is now 18 months old so we thought it was time to transfer him to his big boy bed. He spent his first night there last night. I read him books until he got sleepy and he only fussed for a few minutes before settling in for the night. I am pretty sure he liked it as he slept almost 13 hours!…

All about my day....

Last night was one of those nights I never want to forget. Leif was coming home late from work so asked if I would keep Liam awake for him. Liam was getting so tired...he was laying on the floor when Leif walked in. With a huge smile, he threw his pacifier on the floor and reached up for his…

Reading is my favorite...

If there is one thing Liam LOVES to do, it is read books (or newspapers or magazines or cards). He will go pick out a book and then plop himself down on the nearest lap - hand you the book and sit while you read to him. He made Leif read him the Daddy and Me book 6 times the other night and must…


You leave him for a minute to try to make a salad and he takes the Craisins bag and empties it on the family room carpet. How can you be upset at such a precious little face.... We will find craisins for months!